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LANAP and LAPIP Treatment: Gum Disease

LANAP and LAPIP Treatment

How Do I Know if I Have Gum Disease?

LANAP and LAPIP Treatment | If you are concerned that you may have developed gum disease, you may have good reason to worry. Nearly half of U.S. adults are affected by gum disease, medically known as periodontal disease. So 65 million people are actually dealing with gum disease right now. In fact, it is one of the most common reasons that people require dental care. To determine if you have gum disease, you will need to know some common symptoms. And if you are diagnosed with periodontal disease, you will need some information about treatments like LANAP and LAPIP treatment.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is a condition that develops due to improper oral hygiene habits. By regularly brushing and flossing, you are helping to prevent and remove something called plaque, which is a sticky film that adheres to teeth. The bacteria contained within plaque releases acids that can damage teeth and gums. Over time, gum disease can undermine the support of teeth, even causing them to loosen and fall out.

lanap and lapip patient smiling

What are some symptoms of gum disease?

Although gum disease can progress without any obvious symptoms, there are typically some signs that are evident as it develops, such as:

  • Gums that are red, tender or swollen
  • Gums that frequently bleed during brushing or flossing
  • Receding gums that can make teeth appear longer than they actually are
  • Chronic bad breath
  • Loose teeth

LANAP & LAPIP Gum Disease Treatment

LANAP, which stands for Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure, and LAPIP, which stands for Laser Assisted Peri-Implantitus Procedure, are two of the most advanced treatments for gum disease. They rely upon the use of a safe dental laser that has various settings.

One advantage to undergoing a LANAP or LAPIP procedure for gum disease treatment is that the laser is incredibly precise. It only targets damaged or diseased tissue, leaving healthy tissue intact. This means that your recovery and healing time will be shorter than other types of treatments.

How are LANAP & LAPIP different from normal gum disease surgery?

Traditional gum disease surgery involves incisions and sutures. This can result in undesirable effects, like a reduction of the gum line or a painful postoperative recovery. In the case of traditional treatments for peri-implant disease, a bone graft is often required.

LANAP or LAPIP Procedure

Before your procedure, your dentist will provide you with local anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process. They will then use a laser to remove diseased and infected tissue without the need for cutting or affecting healthy gum tissue.

After your dentist has finished using the laser, they will remove any deposits of tartar found on your teeth and flush all pockets using an antibacterial rinse. Next, they will again use a laser to remove tartar and sterilize or clean the bone, root, and tissues around your teeth or implant.

The Bottom Line

Provided you follow all instructions and take part in follow-up appointments, LANAP and LAPIP treatment is an excellent way to promote tissue and bone regeneration, as well as reduce pocket depth and help your body recover from chronic infection. These procedures allow you to restore your oral health and appearance without the discomfort and lengthy recovery times involved with more conventional techniques.

Contact Weston Dental Specialists Group at (781) 894-0347  or schedule your consultation online.

Posted in Oral Health