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7 Telling Signs You May Need to Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are a convenient remedy for tooth loss. They essentially take the place of missing teeth and do not require very much care aside from the regular care one would usually do to care for their natural teeth. However, how can you know that you need dental implants? This blog will enumerate the telltale signs.

Telling Signs You May Need to Get Dental Implants

1 – Missing Teeth

If you find that you have a gap or two between your teeth and there is no hope of restoring the tooth, that is when you know you need to get dental implants. If you are missing a tooth, you may be able to go through the process of getting dental implants.

2 – Size of Your Gums

If you have large gums, you may need to get dental implants. Effective dental implants require your gums to be healthy, so if your gums are large and you are missing a tooth, you need to find a dentist who is able to perform oral surgery to ensure that your gums are healthy and can fit a dental implant.

3 – Sub-Par Condition of Your Teeth

If your teeth are starting to crumble, it can be a sign that you will need to get dental implants in the near future. Your teeth are meant to last for a lifetime, but when your teeth are starting to crumble and are about to fall out, you know that you must get dental implants to replace them.

4 – Discoloration

If you notice that your teeth are starting to turn yellow, it could be a sign that you need dental implants. If your teeth are starting to discolor, it can be a signal that you are developing tooth decay or gum disease, both of which can result in tooth loss.

5 – Pain

If you are experiencing tooth pain that is growing in frequency and intensity, you may need to get dental implants. The pain may be a sign that you are developing a cavity that would require a root canal or a tooth extraction. If you have started to develop a recurring toothache, it is time to get dental implants.

6 – Broken Teeth

If you have broken a tooth or multiple teeth, you may need to get dental implants. A dental implant is a good way to replace a cracked or broken tooth.

7 – Gum Disease

If your teeth are starting to develop gum disease, you should get dental implants. Gum disease can lead to loss of teeth, so if you have gum disease and you are having any tooth problems, you should get dental implants.


If you want to know if you need to get dental implants, consider if you are experiencing any of the problems described above. If you are, it may be time to look into dental implants. If you need more information on the procedure of getting dental implants, it is a good idea to talk to your dentist. These professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you make an informed decision.

If you are looking for skilled dental specialists for your dental implants, make an appointment at Weston Dental Specialists Group. Let us help bring happiness back to your smile today!

Posted in Oral Health