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Founded by the late Dr. Lloyd Miller

Excellence in Dentistry Since 1958

You Need a Tooth Extraction When You Notice These Signs

A loose milk tooth isn’t the only reason you need extraction from a dentist. That being said, tooth extractions aren’t just for kids, too. Even full-blown adults require this dental procedure according to these six reasons:


Not having enough space for your teeth in your mouth causes them to be crooked and displaced, which is a condition also known as crowding. This can lead to:

  • Cavities and gum disease.
  • Discomfort and pain while eating.
  • Difficulty chewing food properly.

Orthodontic treatments like braces can straighten teeth, but they might not work because there isn’t enough room in the mouth. To fix this issue, your dentist might recommend getting one or two of your pearly whites removed so that the other teeth have space to align correctly.

Gum Problems

Poor oral hygiene affects both your teeth and gums, leading to a need for extraction. This leads to periodontal disease, where bacteria eat away at the bony material supporting your teeth. Eventually, this leads to teeth rotting away, making chewing and talking more challenging. What’s more, the bacterial infection can also spread from tooth to tooth when not removed immediately!

Your dentist may schedule you for tooth removal when:

  • The tooth is excessively abscessed and cannot be drained.
  • The tooth is loose and lacks support.
  • The disease has spread to the bone, other teeth, or soft tissue.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

If a wisdom tooth does not erupt properly, it will be referred to as impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth must be removed to avoid further problems. One of two scenarios can happen here:

  • The dentist extracts an already-visible tooth to give the wisdom teeth more space to come out.
  • The dentist may remove the impacted teeth instead to retain the alignment of your visible pearly whites.

Irreparably Broken or Chipped Teeth

Teeth can break either from injury or accident. Your dentist can repair broken teeth through procedures like crowns in most cases. However, this may not be possible in extreme cases, such as where the tooth has broken off below the gum line. Thus, the only solution is surgically removing the entire chipped tooth from the gumline.


Not all tooth pain means you need to head to the dentist for an extraction. It could be a cavity or tooth sensitivity; still, there are some cases when you need to get a tooth pulled if:

  • The tooth is still painful after a filling or root canal treatment.
  • You have an infection.
  • The tooth is too damaged to be restored, period.

Tooth Decay

Suppose a tooth is so damaged by tooth decay that root canals or fillings are impossible. Therefore, the tooth may need to be extracted to relieve pain and stop the spread of any infection to other teeth and gums or reduce the recurrence of periodontal disease.

Solutions for Extracted Permanent Teeth

For kids, extracted milk teeth are no problem since the permanent ones take their place. But in the case of adults with permanent teeth, your dentist may recommend a dental implant or a bridge to replace the natural tooth and restore proper function.

Only Tooth Extractions from a Dentist Will Do

Whether you’re an adult with the above signs or have a kid with a loose tooth, don’t pull teeth out on your own. You could inadvertently cause more damage and still go to a dentist. So set your appointment and talk to a medical professional to get to the bottom of these persistent problems with your pearly whites.

At Weston Dental Specialists Group, you get the best dental care in Massachusetts. Our dentists are architects of smile restoration, using only the most advanced technologies for restoring and replacing teeth. Visit our website to know more about our dental services.

Posted in Oral Health