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Info a Dentist Should Tell You Regarding Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the third molars that grow during adulthood. They can cause many problems if they’re not fully formed or if they don’t come out properly. If wisdom teeth are causing pain or making it difficult to eat, they may need to be removed. After it is extracted, a hole is left in the gums where the tooth used to be. This is called a socket, which needs to heal properly for the gum to close up. To quicken the healing process, it’s important to properly take care of the socket, which is why we’re tackling information your dentist needs to tell you regarding this procedure.

Information #1: You Have Various Replacement Options after a Tooth Extraction

When children get their milk teeth extracted, there’s no need to get them replaced since the permanent teeth eventually grow in their place. However, this isn’t the case for adults since nothing grows back afterward.

When this happens, your dentist should present you with the following replacement options:

  • Dental implants: Usually made from titanium, they act as an anchor for the tooth crown. This is a long-lasting, natural-looking option for replacing a tooth. Once in place, they provide a strong foundation for artificial teeth.
  • Partial dentures: These are a set of false teeth that replace one or more missing pearly whites. They are usually made of plastic or metal and are held in place by clips or brackets that fit around the remaining teeth. Partial dentures can make eating and speaking easier, and they can also improve the appearance of your smile.

Your initial visit to the dentist determines what kind you need: partial or full.

  • Bridges: A tooth bridge is a restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth by bridging the gap between two adjacent teeth. The two adjacent teeth are abutments, and a false tooth is placed between them. Also known as a pontic, the false tooth can be made of porcelain or ceramic and is connected to the abutments with dental cement.

A bridge is a great restoration solution if you have one or more missing teeth. The pontic (false tooth) is usually made of porcelain or ceramic, which looks very natural. The pontic is attached to the adjacent teeth (abutments) with dental cement. This restoration is very strong and can last for many years.

Information #2: The Risks Involved

Tooth extractions are generally safe, but as with any surgery, there are always risks. Be sure to get proper patient consent before going ahead with the procedure. Some risks include:

  • Over or under extraction: Sometimes, your dentist or physician may accidentally over- or undertone a tooth, which usually happens when the patient is sedated and can’t react in time.
  • Injuries: There is always a small risk that the dentist may injure you while extracting your tooth. However, this is rare and usually only happens if the dentist has to open your gums manually. If this happens, the dentist will take every precaution to avoid injuring you.
  • Infections: If bacteria enter the area around a tooth extraction, it can cause an infection. This infection can spread to the bones and produce an abscess. If left untreated, this can be deadly.


Whether a basic tooth or third molar extraction, your dentist should be prepared to tell you the details. Remember, forewarned is forearmed, which can help you and the doctor make the best decisions before, during, and after the procedure. At Weston Dental Specialists Group, we serve patients with that philosophy, using state-of-the-art technology to extract, restore, or replace teeth. We also value doctor-patient transparency to achieve the perfect smile from the first time they sit on the dentist’s chair. Book your appointment by visiting our website or calling (781) 894-0347!

Posted in Oral Health