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What You Need to Know about Sinus Augmentation Procedure

The sinuses are linked cavities of air located throughout the skull. When the sinuses are blocked or infected, this can lead to acute sinusitis, which can be very painful and prevent you from living your life normally. Sinus augmentation can bring breathable air back into your life.

Aside from this, a sinus augmentation can also be beneficial in dental implants. Having a dental implant is a great option for those who want to replace a missing tooth. However, the dental implant may not be able to fit in your mouth if your sinus is too shallow. This is where sinus augmentation can come to your rescue.

What Is Sinus Augmentation

A sinus augmentation is a surgical procedure used to raise the sinus floor and increase the height of the maxillary bones. This is often done in preparation for dental implants, as it can improve the stability of the implants and increase the success rate of the procedure. 

The sinus augmentation procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, though sedation may be used for patients who are anxious or have a low pain tolerance.

When Sinus Augmentation Procedure Is Necessary

There are a few reasons why your dentist might recommend a sinus augmentation procedure. If you have suffered from tooth loss in the upper jaw, the sinuses may have collapsed, making it difficult to place dental implants. A sinus lift can restore the height of the sinuses and make it possible to place implants.

If you have periodontitis, the infection can damage the bones supporting your teeth. This can lead to bone loss in the jaw, making it difficult to place implants. Sinus augmentation can add volume to the jawbone, making it possible to place implants.

Sinus augmentation can also be used to prevent sinusitis. If you suffer from frequent sinus infections and your sinus cavities do not drain well, this procedure can improve the operation of their drainage system. This procedure is also ideal for patients with chronic sinusitis who have tried sinus medication, antibiotics, and other treatments, to no avail.

How Sinus Augmentation Works

A sinus augmentation procedure can be performed on one or both sides of your face. First, your surgeon will prepare the area by removing any infected or damaged bone. This will ease the procedure and prevent complications. The surgeon will then carefully remove a thin layer of bone from the maxillary sinus walls.

Next, the surgeon will use graft material to add volume to the sinus cavities. This graft material can be made of bone, cartilage, or synthetic materials. The graft will be secured in place with titanium screws, which will be left in your jawbone permanently.

How Long Will the Recovery Period Last

The surgery was performed under local anesthesia, so you can go home on the same day. You may experience some mild pain and swelling, but your doctor will prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to help manage these symptoms.

Continue to take your medications as prescribed by your doctor and follow all of his or her instructions closely. Your doctor may recommend that you take antibiotics before dental procedures to prevent infection. You should also avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for at least six weeks and follow a strict oral hygiene routine.

Getting back to your normal routine will take time, so give yourself at least two weeks before trying to return to work or school.

What Are the Benefits of Sinus Augmentation

The main benefit of sinus augmentation is that it can increase the success rate of dental implants. Sinus augmentation can help to restore the height of the sinuses, allowing for more space for the implants. It can also help to stabilize the implants by preventing them from shifting or moving.

Sinus augmentation can also open up the sinus cavities, which can prevent sinusitis. This procedure can improve the operation of the sinuses and prevent them from becoming blocked or inflamed. As a result, a sinus augmentation can help to prevent chronic sinusitis, which can be difficult to treat with medication.


A sinus augmentation is a great procedure for those who have suffered from tooth loss or are struggling to manage sinusitis. This procedure can improve the height of the sinuses, which will make it possible for you to place dental implants. 

If you are considering placing dental implants but have been prevented from doing so due to the sinuses, a sinus augmentation can be your best option. At Weston Dental Specialists Group, we provide a variety of dental procedures, including sinus augmentation, with the help of the best dentists in Weston, MA. Let us help you regain the smile you deserve! Schedule an appointment today!

Posted in Oral Health