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Heggerick, Alwazzan & Noel DMD Prosthodontists
Founded by the late Dr. Lloyd Miller

Excellence in Dentistry Since 1958

Porcelain Dental Crowns: An Advanced Solution for Restoring Damaged or Weakened Teeth

Our teeth endure immense forces daily, making them susceptible to damage and decay over time. When a tooth becomes significantly damaged or weakened, a dental crown can provide an effective solution to restore its function, durability, and appearance. At Weston Dental Specialists Group, our experienced team of dental professionals is committed to offering advanced, personalized dental treatments, including porcelain dental crowns, designed to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Porcelain dental crowns are custom-made, tooth-shaped restorations designed to fully encase a damaged or weakened tooth, offering protection, strength, and an aesthetically pleasing appearance. These high-quality crowns mimic the natural tooth’s structure and color, ensuring a seamless integration with your surrounding teeth and boasting exceptional durability. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of porcelain dental crowns, the process of receiving a crown, and how this advanced dental restoration can enhance your smile and improve your oral health.

Benefits of Porcelain Dental Crowns

Porcelain dental crowns offer a range of benefits to patients requiring tooth restoration, including:

  1. Aesthetics: Porcelain crowns closely resemble your natural teeth in terms of color, shape, and light-reflecting properties, providing a discreet and visually pleasing solution.
  2. Durability: High-quality porcelain material offers exceptional strength and durability, ensuring your dental crown endures daily use and lasts for years with proper care.
  3. Function: Custom-fitted to your tooth, a porcelain crown restores the tooth’s function, allowing you to chew and speak comfortably and with confidence.
  4. Protection: A dental crown protects a damaged or weakened tooth from further damage or decay, preserving your oral health.

Indications for Porcelain Dental Crowns

Porcelain dental crowns are suitable for various dental restoration scenarios, including:

  1. Large Cavities or Broken Teeth: When a tooth has a large cavity or is broken due to injury, a crown may be required to provide necessary strength and stability.
  2. Root Canal Treatment: Following a root canal procedure, a tooth may be more brittle and require a crown for protection and reinforcement.
  3. Worn Teeth: Teeth that have been severely worn down due to grinding or acid erosion can be restored with a dental crown.
  4. Dental Implants: Porcelain crowns can be used to replace a missing tooth as part of dental implant treatment, providing a natural-looking and functional tooth replacement.
  5. Cosmetic Enhancement: In cases where tooth discoloration or irregular shaping cannot be adequately addressed by other cosmetic dental treatments, porcelain dental crowns offer an alternative solution to improve a tooth’s appearance.

The Porcelain Dental Crown Process

At Weston Dental Specialists Group, the process of receiving a porcelain dental crown typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: Your dentist will perform a thorough examination of your teeth and discuss your dental restoration goals, determining whether a porcelain dental crown is the most suitable treatment option for you.
  2. Tooth Preparation: To make room for your dental crown, your dentist will carefully remove a small portion of the tooth’s enamel and shape the remaining structure to accommodate the crown.
  3. Impression and Temporary Crown: A detailed impression of your prepared tooth and the surrounding teeth will be taken, which will be used to fabricate your custom porcelain crown. While you await your permanent crown, a temporary acrylic crown will be placed to protect your prepared tooth.
  4. Fabrication of the Porcelain Dental Crown: Your dental impression will be sent to a specialized dental laboratory, where an experienced technician will craft your custom porcelain dental crown.
  5. Crown Placement: Once your porcelain crown is ready, your dentist will carefully remove the temporary crown and clean the tooth. The permanent crown will then be positioned and adjusted to ensure a proper fit and bite. Finally, the crown will be cemented securely into place.

Caring for Your Porcelain Dental Crown

To ensure the longevity of your dental crown and maintain your oral health, consider the following care tips:

  1. Oral Hygiene: Maintain regular brushing and flossing to prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay around your crown.
  2. Regular Dental Checkups: Schedule routine dental examinations and cleanings to ensure your crown remains in optimal condition and to monitor your overall oral health.
  3. Avoid Damaging Activities: Refrain from chewing on hard objects (e.g., ice, pens, etc.) and avoid using your teeth as tools, as these actions can damage your dental crown.
  4. Address Teeth Grinding: If you grind or clench your teeth, discuss this with your dentist, as they may recommend a custom nightguard to protect your crown and your other teeth from further wear or damage.


Porcelain dental crowns offer a versatile, effective solution for restoring damaged or weakened teeth, significantly enhancing your smile’s function, and appearance. By customizing each crown to fit seamlessly with your natural teeth, porcelain crowns offer a discreet and long-lasting solution to a wide range of dental issues.

At Weston Dental Specialists Group, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive, patient-centered dental care, including porcelain dental crowns, that cater to each individual’s unique needs and goals. Discover how porcelain dental crowns can transform your smile and restore your oral health. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and enjoy the confidence that comes with a radiant, healthy smile!

Posted in Oral Health