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Bone Grafting

Model of dental implant with bone grafting in Wellesley and Weston, MA. Bone grafting Wellesley MA

Bone grafting is a method of adding more bone tissue to an affected area before inserting a dental implant. A patient may need it if they naturally lack bone density in the jaw or have lost bone tissue due to tooth loss. If bone grafting is needed, the socket is filled with bone graft material and covered with a resorbable membrane. Soft tissue then naturally covers the area. When the bone graft heals, the patient returns for their dental implant procedure. However, the healing process can take months. This ensures that the dental implant will have stability before performing the procedure.

Is bone graft material safe?

Bone graft material is sterilized and impurities are removed before arriving at the office.

How long can new bone form after bone grafting?

Typically, a bone grafted area heals in about 2 to 4 months. It really depends on each individual procedure.

Is bone grafting painful?

The procedure is not painful because the area is numbed. Afterwards, you may feel some discomfort or soreness. Use cold packs and over-the-counter pain medication.

Is it possible for my body to reject the bone graft material?

No. Bone graft material is only material. It does not have living substance.

Why should I consider this procedure?

Bone grafting offers functionality and cosmetics. Bone loss in the mouth can result from tooth loss. In order to replace missing teeth, bone grafting helps rebuild the jaw bone. A firm jawbone will make teeth replacement more effective and show better results. Cosmetically, rebuilding the jawbone helps to define the face. When a patient loses bone tissue. The face sags and can make a patient look older.

How should I care for my mouth?

Normal dental care is needed. Keep the area clean. Also, use the prescribed mouthwash as directed. When resting or sleeping, lay on your back with propped pillows. This reduces inflammation and can speed recovery time. Avoid strenuous activities to reduce the risk of bleeding.

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