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Weston Dental Specialists Group
Founded by the late Dr. Lloyd Miller

Excellence in Dentistry Since 1958

Dental Exams Weston

A comprehensive approach to your routine dental exam

New patients are required to complete an initial oral exam (dental exam) before any procedure is assessed. Your health is important to us. And for that reason, a full oral exam is required to learn about your overall health and detect all possible dental concerns. Aside from common problems like cavities, more serious issues like periodontal disease need to be detected early. Once we understand your unique situation, we’ll discuss recommendations that best fit your needs. During your regular dental exams, our Weston Dental Specialists Group team will examine your mouth and check for: Close up of a dental patient receiving a dental exam in Weston
  • Tooth decay
  • Cavities
  • Signs of gum disease
  • Signs of teeth grinding and clenching
  • Overall function and condition of face, neck, and jaw bones
  • Previous dental work like crowns, fillings, implants, root canals, etc.
  • Oral cancer screening
  • Check for gum recession and measure pocket depth
During your initial exam we will discuss your medical history, go over list of medications and current oral hygiene care to determine if any health-related issues will require an alternate approach to correct and maintain your smile. Dental x-rays are an essential tool at offering a better understanding of your mouths structure and highlight underlying issues. We may also require alginate impression for study models in order to further examine your teeth and jaw structure. A complete oral exam (dental exam) is the opportunity to fully understand your current dental health. This information is important in order to learn how to best preserve and improve your smile. We encourage you to ask us questions and address all concerns during your comprehensive exam. Request an Appointment