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Heggerick, Alwazzan & Noel DMD Prosthodontists
Founded by the late Dr. Lloyd Miller

Excellence in Dentistry Since 1958

Choose a Prosthodontist for Cosmetic and Reconstructive Dentistry

Prosthodontist Weston MA

Prosthodontist Weston MA | Patients that are considering cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry should choose a skilled professional for best results. Prosthodontics is a dental speciality that focuses on dental restoration and teeth replacement. Therefore, these dental professionals are required to have additional education to specialize in this field. Learn more about prosthodontists and their specialization below.

prosthodontist weston ma

What is a Prosthodontist?

A prosthodontist is a professional that focuses on dental prostheses. They are highly skilled to diagnose, treat, and perform cosmetic and restorative dental procedures. These dental treatments include:

  • Restoring worn, fractured, and decayed teeth
  • Inserting dental implants, bridges, and crowns
  • Customizing dentures
  • Treating TMJ disorders, teeth clenching, and grinding

What does Cosmetic and Reconstructive Dentistry Include?

A prosthodontist performs cosmetic procedures and complicated full-mouth reconstructions. Therefore, patients with cleft palates, TMJ, and mouth injuries are encouraged to contact a prosthodontist for dental procedures. Treatment is customized and includes the following:

Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin-laminates that are placed in front of teeth. They correct a variety of issues like misshapen, cracked, chipped, and discolored teeth.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are tooth-like caps that cover the tooth. They appear and function like natural teeth and can last up to 10 years.

Dental Bridges

Bridges are used to replace one or multiple adjacent teeth. They adhere to existing neighboring teeth or to dental implants.

Dental Implants

Implants are recommended as a teeth replacement option. They are artificial titanium tooth roots that are inserted into the jaw.


Dentures are removable mouth appliances. Patients choose them to replace some or all of their missing teeth.

Learn more about the process of restoring or perfecting your smile today. Our team of prosthodontists will examine your oral health and recommend the best treatments. Call  (781) 894-0347 or request more information here. Our office, Weston Dental Specialists Group, is located at 56 Colpitts Road Suite 4-6 Weston, MA 02493. Also, we proudly serve Wellesley MA residents.

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